How to access the router to modify its configuration

There are a large number of users who have never tried to access the router they have at home and that is in charge of providing them with the network connection. Although it is true that many are not even interested in computing, a router is a device that we should know about, and above all configure the access key and access user such as the password and the Wi-Fi network.

Never know who try to steal Internet from outside or a neighbor, once connected to the network even could access our router without us give us account and make us a quite essential task. And it is that many routers of factory have a simple access of admin/admin as user/password

In case you don't know, the router is the apparatus or device that is in charge of providing us with the connection and access to the Internet. This allows our computers, mobile phones or Tablets to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi or via a wired connection. There are router the ADSL line, fiber optic and even 4G routers that use the mobile data network.

In all of them, without exceptions, we will be able to enter with the steps that we are going to see later on. More the most important thing is to know what we can do inside a router, since as if of a computer is treated, has a firmware inside it that allows us access and modify internal factors of the network itself thanks to an interface graphic from our Internet browser.

Access the router step by step
We are going to approach this tutorial so that it is valid for any router regardless of the manufacturer thereof, whether we have bought it ourselves or whether it has been delivered by our internet provider. All they go in the same way except very concrete cases like.

previous requirements
We can estimate certain previous requirements before trying to access the router some obvious and some not so .

Be connected at our LAN

The first is to be connected with our computer, smart phone, tablet or whatever to the router. How? Well through an Ethernet cable or simply with the Wi-Fi connection.

Now, you may access the ip

This is quite logical, since the access will be performed by IP from the internal network. We will be able to do it connected to our mobile's 4G or through bluetooth, although some offer this possibility only for a first network configuration.

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